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MS Students

Jeremy Wilkinson

Thesis Title: Coupling genetics and ecological niche modeling to examine evolutionary relationships among subspecies of Ord's kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordii.

Graduated: May, 2012


Craig Stanley, Jr.

Thesis Title: Effects of long-term isolation and metal exposure in the common test species Hyalella azteca.

Graduated: May, 2011


Lynne Gardner-Santana

Thesis Title: Patterns of genetic diversity in black bears (Ursus americanus) during a range expansion in Oklahoma.

Graduated: May, 2007


Joe Hackler (co-advised with Dr. Stan Fox)

Thesis Title: Assessment of genetic variation within and among natural and captive populations of alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminckii).

Graduated: May, 2006


Stacey Davis

Thesis Title: Cytonuclear genetic structure of a locally endemic fish (Poeciliidae: Gambusia heterochir) and a widespread conger (G. affinis) in an area of hybridization.

Graduated: August, 2004


Sarah Weyandt

Thesis Title:

Graduated: December, 2004


Raymond Ary

Thesis Title: Comparisons of genetic attributes witin and among urban, suburban, and rural populations of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in northeastern Illinois using microsatellites.

Graduated: December, 2003


Derrick Chappell

Thesis Title: Genetic analysis of wolverine (Gulo gulo) populations from Canada: conservation implications.

Graduated: December, 2002


Sarah Moore

Thesis Title: Reproductive success, multiple paternity, and inbreeding in a population of Gunnison's prairie dogs.

Graduated: August, 2002


Warren Coughlin (co-advised with Dr. Anthony Echelle)

Thesis Title: Genetic structure of spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) in the Red River basin.

Graduated: December, 2001


Michelle Haynie

Thesis Title: Parentage, multiple paternity, and reproductive success.  Using microsatellites tostudy social interactions in two species of prairie dogs.

Graduated: December, 2000


Stephanie Harmon

Thesis Title: Genomic variability and MHC class IIb1 characterization in a reintroduced population of eastern wild turkeys.

Graduated: May 2000


Tami Ross

Thesis Title: Genetic variation and population differentiation in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) revealed by PCR-SSCP of the major histocompatability complex.

Graduated: May, 2000

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