​Van Den Bussche Laboratory of
Conservation Genomics
Prospective Graduate Students
I am always looking for self-motivated and creative students that are interested in Conservation Genetics/Genomics, Molecular Phylogenetics/Phylogenomics or molecular evolution in general. Although my lab utilizes molecular/genomic techniques, for the vast majority of the projects these are tools to address biologically relevant questions. Thus, many projects involve field work as well as laboratory work and I expect my students, even if they are more lab oriented, to participate in field work if the opportunity arises. I also expect students to be able to work individually without much proding from me (i.e., self-motivated) but also be able and willing to work as part of a team. One of my most important expectations, and one that I can not emphasize enough, is that graduate students in my laboratory read the primary literature. Graduate students, especially Doctoral students will also play an active role in teaching undergraduate students techniques and the proper way to conduct research. Looking at the "Publications" page, you will notice that my laboratory frequently works with a variety of collaborators not only within OSU but also outside of OSU.
Graduate students in the Department of Zoology at OSU are mostly funded by teaching assistantships. I fequently write Research Assistantships into my grants so at times there are RA positions available. I expect all graduate students in my program to be writting for any and all types of additional funding to assist in their projects. I also expect all Doctoral students to apply for NSF, EPA, or any applicable fellowships during their first year. It is my expectation that most Doctoral students in my program will have sufficient preliminary data after thier first year to apply for DDIG or STAR grants.
If you are interested in joining my laboratory as a graduate student you should familiarize yourself with some of the Current Research Projects and Publications and then contact me with a summary of your research experience, interests, and career goals and inquire whether I am currently accepting students. You should also read the information about admissions to graduate school at Oklahoma State University and the Department of Zoology information for applying to Graduate School as well as viewing other faculty in the Department of Zoology at Oklahoma State University.